sábado, 19 de junho de 2010


Dear friends

I must tell you the most solidary valentine's day in Brazil I ever had!

We had the pleasure to have Malaika Cipriano, from Portugal, at home.

With "Tatuzinho", my car, we went to Quatinga Velho at 17h because there would have the "Festa Junina" tipical brasilian party with tipical rural food, and fire, dance…is beautiful! We had some refrigerant and pie in the car to bring to party and lots of energy!

Me, Malaika and Marcus were going there, going in the middle of rainforest, only with a few farms when suddenly I took a big hole (dirt street) and the car broke! Yes, in the midlle of nowhere!! No cel phone, nobody, nothing!

The night arrive and we walk to a farm  searching for a phone and the 2 person that live there was very friendly and let me call to car insurance, it was 18h30. And we back to the car because in 1h the truck arrive…

At 20h, after eat the pie and drunk the refrigerant, one car pass and say "I back in 10 minutes to help you". After 20 minutes this couple stop the car and help us. The man get into under the car, get really dirty and the lady with perfume and beautiful clothe just wait him and help us, with a smile in their faces. They were going to a party.

During this, other couple stop there to help. Me and Malaika took a ride with then to back in the farm to call again to the car insurance, it was 21h!!

They didn't believe we were there alone, in the cold…nobody to help. Marcus was still there trying to fix the car with the first couple.

Me and Malaika was safe, in a hot house with a lovely old couple that told us that in the next day they will be grandparents for the first time! They were very excited about it. For my surprise the lady was born in Quatinga Velho! And she know a lot of people there, so we talk and talk about histories…

After eat some bread and drink hot chocolate, when was 23h50 one car stopped in front of this farm and say "Marcus is coming with the truck, I let the car at Jundiapeba (30km from there) and when we were backing we find the truck that was searching for you, so he is coming with the truck in 5 minutes!!".

Unbelievable!!!! The man ride Marcus until a gas station 30km from there, where has telephone, light…but all documents and wallet was with me, and Marcus didn't know the number of the farm! So, the man was bringing Marcus back!

Marcus arrive and we go to the gas station and the truck pick my car. We back in a taxi cab to my home at 2h…the story is no end yet..

Sunday morning, Malaika lent her car to go to Quatinga Velho, yes, to put in dirt street, walk 80km (going for other side of the mountain, long way) and we pass in every house to talk with people and share the books and toys!

It was wonderful! Malaika is a very nice lovely person and get involved with the kids very fast!

All this solidarity in valentine's day, at night, cold, in the middle of nowhere…thanks a lot for all good people that stopped to help us! Thanks Malaika for coming to this intense weekend and lent the car! Today I know you are much more then a contributor, or partner, you are a special friend that I never will forget :)

Now, with all bureaucracy, football…my car was missing for 3 days with the car insurance, only today went to start mechanical repairs. I need wait until next Friday to have the Tatuzinho back!and pay...of course!

But I don't think the car insurance is concerned about my life, work, if I need the car to pick all the people that start arrive on 20th to stay at my house and visit Quatinga Velho, the BIEN Congress…so, I need a jeep or other car, and again someone solidarity to keep going...let's see!!

Have a nice BIG weekend


-hope you understand my english:)


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